Promotional conditions

ARTICLE 0.1 | Promotion Terms & Conditions: WIN the Porsche Cayenne GTS + Get a Free Promo Package worth ± €100

  • The promotion runs from Friday, January 17, 2025, 11:00 AM until Sunday, January 19, 2025, 11:59 PM!
  • Live draw on YouTube on Monday, January 20, 2025, at 10:00 AM!
  • Every order has a chance to win the Porsche Cayenne GTS! No minimum order amount is required.
  • Every order from €50 (including VAT, excluding shipping costs and any discounts) is guaranteed to receive a free Stipt Promo Package worth ± €100.
    • This promo package will be automatically added to the shopping cart when the order value reaches €50 (including VAT, excluding shipping costs and any discounts).
  • The prize cannot be exchanged for cash.
  • Stipt Polish Point Shop B.V. will determine when the Porsche Cayenne GTS can be collected.
  • Stipt Polish Point Shop B.V. does not provide any form of warranty on the Porsche Cayenne GTS.
  • Stipt Polish Point Shop B.V. only performs cosmetic work.
  • Stipt Polish Point Shop B.V. is not responsible for any technical defects.
  • This is a giveaway promotion; orders cannot be canceled or returned after the draw. If you wish to retain the right to cancel/return your order, please indicate in the comments field that you do not wish to participate in the giveaway or confirm this via email.
  • If you cancel/return your order before the draw, you will no longer be eligible for the giveaway and will be excluded from participation.
    • Cancellation/returns for this promotion are possible until the promotion is sold out.
    • Returns are only accepted if the entire order, including the free Stipt Promo Package, is returned.
  • Subscribing to our YouTube channel is not required for this giveaway, but we would greatly appreciate it!
  • Webshop only!

1.1 In these General Action Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

  • “SPPS”: Stipt Polish Point Shop B.V., established and located at Eindhovenseweg-Zuid 57, 5683 PW, Best, registered in the Chamber of Commerce under registration number 84448873, also the organizer of the Action.
  • “Participant”: the natural or legal person participating in an action.
  • “Action/Contest”: a prize draw organized by SPPS in which a prize is given away to one or more Participants.
  • “General Action Terms and Conditions”: these present general action terms and conditions.
  • “Additional Action Terms and Conditions”: the terms that, in addition to these General Action Terms and Conditions, apply to an Action.
  • “Action Terms and Conditions”: the General Action Terms and Conditions and, if applicable, the Additional Action Terms and Conditions together.
  • “Action Period”: the period during which an Action runs until the moment of the draw.
  • “Sealed object”: a sealable container, provided with a seal which is broken during the draw, in which copies of all packing slips of all Participants are inserted by SPPS during the Action Period through the slot provided for this purpose in the sealed lid.
  • “Winner”: the Participant from whom, during the draw following the Action Period, the copy of the packing slip is drawn from the sealed object and thereby wins a prize. With “Winner” in these terms and conditions, the Participant who has become the Winner is explicitly referred to. All provisions in these terms and conditions, furthermore, which refer to Participants are also explicitly applicable to the Winner.

2.1 In addition to the General Action Terms and Conditions, Supplementary Action Terms and Conditions may also apply. In the event of any inconsistency between the General Action Terms and Conditions and the Supplementary Action Terms and Conditions, the Supplementary Action Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
2.2 If any provisions in the Action Terms and Conditions, in any way, conflict with applicable laws, regulations, and/or if they are declared void or nullified by a final judicial decision, the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected and in full force.
2.3 At any time, SPPS reserves the full right to modify the Action Terms and Conditions during the course of the Action without prior notice and/or to terminate or change the Action without obligation to provide an explanation, without any obligations for SPPS to provide any form of compensation to the Participant.
2.4 Questions or comments about an Action organized by SPPS can be submitted via the email address specified in the Supplementary Action Terms and Conditions. If no Supplementary Action Terms and Conditions apply to a particular action or if no email address is mentioned therein, questions can be submitted via
2.5 A Participant with a question or comment, as referred to in the previous section, must always provide the following information:
I. the name or description of the relevant Action;
II. the packing slip as proof of participation;
III. the date of participation and the order number; and in the event the Participant files a Complaint:
IV. a clear, motivated description of the complaint and the desired solution. SPPS aims to respond to the complaint within 30 days of receipt.
2.6 If the Participant fails to provide the information as described in the previous section in a complaint, the complaint will not be processed. If possible, SPPS will inform the Participant of this, but is not obliged to do so. If SPPS leaves a question, comment, or complaint unanswered due to failure to meet the conditions of Article 2.5, SPPS shall not incur any liability whatsoever.

3.1 A (legal) person is considered a Participant of an Action when they have placed an order with SPPS during an Action Period. The ordered products are sent by SPPS in the usual manner, together with a packing slip, to the Participant who in such a case is also a buyer from SPPS. The general terms and conditions of Stipt Polish Point Shop B.V. apply without prejudice to the purchase agreement between the Participant as buyer as aforementioned and SPPS as seller. Further conditions for participation are elaborated in this article below.
3.2 It is entirely the responsibility of the Participant to keep the packing slip (sent with the order). After the order has been placed by the Participant, SPPS makes a copy of the corresponding packing slip as aforementioned in a sealed object. The aforementioned copy, together with the packing slip received by the Participant with said order, serve as proof of participation in the Action. Without (full) proof of participation, the Participant is therefore excluded from participation.
3.3 When placing an order as described in this article, the Participant must agree to the content of these Action Terms and Conditions. Furthermore, at the time of placing the order, the Participant must not indicate that, despite their order during the action period, they wish to be excluded from participation. During the action period, the Participant must also be subscribed to the YouTube channel of ‘Stipt Polish Point’.
3.4 To participate in the Action and qualify to win a prize, a minimum age of 18 years is required. SPPS reserves the right to verify the age of the Participant.
3.5 When participation in an Action is open to Participants under the age of 18, SPPS requires that the parent or guardian provide written consent prior to the Participant’s participation in the Action. When it has not been explicitly communicated by SPPS beforehand that participation in an Action is open to Participants under the age of 18, the starting point of these conditions must be followed, namely that participation in an Action is not open to Participants under the age of 18.
3.6 Persons who are not eligible to participate in the Action include employees of SPPS and anyone who, in any way, has an organizational role in the Action, both directly and indirectly.
3.7 The Participant warrants that all data provided in connection with the Action is correct, up-to-date, and complete at all times.
3.8 If any of the conditions discussed in this article are not met, a Participant, who is then only a buyer from SPPS, is explicitly excluded from participation. The conditions for participation are reiterated below in sub a through k.
a) placed and paid order within the action period via or the physical sales point of SPPS in Best or an authorized external sales point of SPPS, whereby in the latter case the desire to participate is expressly and in writing communicated by the Participant to SPPS;
b) ability to present the packing slip when winning a prize;
c) agreement to the General Terms and Conditions of Stipt Polish Point Shop B.V.;
d) agreement to the General Action Terms and Conditions of Stipt Polish Point Shop B.V.;
e) agreement to the Supplementary Action Terms and Conditions of Stipt Polish Point Shop B.V., only and exclusively when explicitly declared applicable by SPPS to a specific Action;
f) no exclusion from participation at the request of the Participant himself/herself;
g) active subscription to the YouTube channel of Stipt Polish Point (free);
h) minimum age of Participant is 18 years;
i) Participant does not have a role as described under 3.7;
j) the data provided by the Participant is true and correct.
3.9 In the event that the Participant becomes a Winner, as described in the following article, and it subsequently becomes known to SPPS that the respective (legal) person was excluded from participation (‘becoming known’), for reasons mentioned in this article or for other reasons that reasonably should have resulted in exclusion from participation, SPPS is entitled to reclaim the prize won by said person for up to 5 years after said becoming known pursuant to Article 6:203 of the Dutch Civil Code. If the prize won concerns a good, within the meaning of paragraph 1 of the aforementioned statutory provision, that cannot be returned to SPPS due to circumstances on the part of the person (i.e., presumed Winner), SPPS is entitled to alternative damages under Article 6:87 paragraph 1 of the Dutch Civil Code.
3.10 The previous paragraph applies mutatis mutandis to cases in which the Winner should have been excluded from participation but was not, due to circumstances not attributable to SPPS, including, but not limited to, the intentional or unintentional provision of incorrect and/or incomplete data by the Winner.

4.1 The winner(s) of an Action will be selected in an objective and random manner during a drawing. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the winner will be selected as described in this article.
4.2 Within each Action, as far as applicable to the Action, the qualification drawings, the final drawing, and the number of winners per drawing will be clearly indicated. Unless explicitly stated otherwise by SPPS in Supplementary Action Terms and Conditions, there is always only one Action Period, followed by one drawing, which therefore also constitutes the final drawing.
4.3 As mentioned above in these conditions, copies of the packing slips of placed orders during an Action Period are placed by SPPS in a sealed object.
4.4 At the start of the Action Period, SPPS clearly communicates until which date and time the Action Period runs. The packing slips of orders placed until the aforementioned time on the aforementioned date are added to the sealed object. After the expiration of the aforementioned time, the live drawing will be held several hours later, up to several days later. This date has been communicated in advance by SPPS.
4.5 Drawings are always broadcast live via YouTube (channel ‘Stipt Polish Point’). The date and time of the drawing are announced at the beginning of an Action Period through SPPS’s communication channels (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Website), and in the Supplementary Action Terms and Conditions if the latter are applicable.
4.6 The sealing of the object is broken during the live drawing. After breaking the seal as aforementioned, the Winner of an Action is announced by SPPS by impartially and independently picking a packing slip blind from the former sealed object. The Participant listed on said packing slip is the winner of the respective Action. Unless explicitly stated otherwise by SPPS, there is always explicitly one winner of an Action.
4.7 If, whether through one or more qualification drawings, multiple packing slips are drawn, from which ultimately one Winner is selected from the qualified Winners during the final drawing, this takes place exactly in the same way as described in this article, whereby always the slip from the selection that is drawn last becomes the ultimate Winner, unless explicitly indicated otherwise by SPPS.
4.8 During their participation in the Action, the Participant is responsible for keeping an eye on SPPS’s channels, whereby SPPS may reasonably expect that the Participant is aware of when the live drawing will take place. After announcing the Winner during the live drawing, SPPS will immediately contact the Winner by phone during this live broadcast, assuming that the Winner is reachable by phone. Due to the aforementioned, SPPS calls the winning Participant once and, in case of no answer, such as, but not limited to, cases where the voicemail is activated, engaged, or otherwise not answering SPPS’s call, SPPS will try to reach the winning Participant by phone a maximum of two more times after said first call. If the winning Participant remains unreachable after a total of three calls, SPPS will draw a new packing slip in a blind manner from the former sealed object during the live drawing. The process described here is repeated until SPPS has reached the winning Participant by phone during the live broadcast. Any previous winners who were unreachable as described in this article are not entitled to any claim arising from the Action. They have no right to the prize, nor to any form of compensation or reimbursement.
4.9 If the Winner of an Action is selected in a manner other than described in these terms and conditions, the method of selection will be stipulated differently in the Supplementary Action Terms and Conditions or in another manner explicitly communicated by SPPS.

4.10 SPPS reserves the right not to make the video recording of the live draw publicly available on its YouTube channel. This means that the live broadcast will only be viewable at the time of airing and will not be available for replay or publication on the SPPS YouTube channel thereafter. SPPS holds the exclusive right to decide whether the video recording of the live draw will be published on its YouTube channel. Participants in the Action agree that the live draw will only be viewable during the broadcast and that they have no right to access the video recording afterward if it is not published on the SPPS YouTube channel.

5.1 For each Action, it will be stated how many and which prizes can be won and the value of the prize/prizes, if SPPS chooses to do so.
5.2 If the availability of a prize is affected by force majeure or unforeseen circumstances, SPPS will strive, at its own discretion, to offer the Winner an alternative prize. However, it cannot be guaranteed that a suitable replacement prize is available, nor that it will be equivalent to the original prize. In this case, the Winner is not entitled to any form of compensation or reimbursement for not receiving the initial prize. Cases of force majeure and unforeseen circumstances include situations beyond the control of SPPS, such as extreme weather conditions, epidemics or pandemics, security issues, labor strikes, and problems or miscommunication with suppliers.
5.3 An acquired prize is personal, not exchangeable for cash or anything else, and not transferable unless explicitly stated otherwise in the Supplementary Action Terms and Conditions.
5.4 In the event of rejection of a prize or its non-acceptance, SPPS will endeavor to award the prize to another winner, to the extent that this is practically feasible, before deciding that the prize can no longer be awarded. However, SPPS is not obligated to do so under any circumstances.
5.5 In the case that a prize consists of a voucher, the winner is required to redeem it within one year of issue, unless a different period is specified on the voucher. A voucher cannot be combined with other ongoing (discount) promotions, unless explicitly agreed otherwise.
5.6 Upon request by SPPS, the winner is obligated to identify themselves in order to facilitate the awarding or receipt of the prize.

6.1 By participating in the Action, the Participant grants SPPS permission to publish their place of residence, province, submitted material, and/or answer on, for example, the website and social media of SPPS.
6.2 Upon request by SPPS, the Winner will cooperate in appropriate and related publicity activities for promotional purposes related to the Action, without any (financial) compensation being due for this.

7.1 If audiovisual recordings are made within the framework of the Promotion (for example, during participation in a qualification, final drawing, or prize award ceremony), the Participant hereby unconditionally, for an unlimited duration and irrevocably, grants SPPS the right and permission to publicly disclose, reproduce, or otherwise exploit the recordings in which the Participant appears in that context, in whole or in part and whether or not in edited form, through any medium whatsoever, including, but not limited to, websites and social media. Finally, the Participant expressly acknowledges being familiar with the manner in which SPPS presents itself online, which logically has also been evidenced by the fact that the Participant has followed the Contest.
7.2 No rights can be derived from oral statements, commitments, promotional expressions on the part of SPPS and/or other similar expressions that should logically be equated therewith, from both SPPS and the Participant, and they are therefore not binding on the parties in any way. Without prejudice to SPPS’s legal obligation to correctly provide these terms and conditions, the Participant is at all times responsible for familiarizing themselves with the content and agreeing to the Promotion Terms and Conditions before proceeding to purchase products from SPPS participating in a Promotion. Therefore, if there is doubt and/or discussion between parties about the Promotion or participation in general and/or the (content of these) Promotion Terms and Conditions in particular, for whatever reason, what is stipulated in the Promotion Terms and Conditions shall always prevail.
7.3 The Winner declares, by agreeing to these General Promotion Terms and Conditions, that they will not make any claims against Stipt and will not take any legal action against Stipt as a result of and/or in connection with the publication of the recordings made by Stipt as mentioned above.

8.1 SPPS treats the personal data of the Participants with care and acts in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations on the protection of personal data, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The processing of personal data by SPPS is carried out in accordance with the provisions set out in SPPS’s privacy policy.
8.2 The personal data provided by the Participant in the context of the Promotion will exclusively be used by SPPS for the organization and execution of the Promotion. If necessary, SPPS may share the personal data of the Participant with third parties involved in the execution of the Promotion, such as the party responsible for providing, awarding, and/or sending the prize or tasked with overseeing the Promotion. This provision to third parties shall be done in compliance with all relevant privacy regulations.
8.3 If there are multiple providers of the Promotion, where data provision is also to third parties, this will nevertheless be stated in the Additional Promotion Terms and Conditions or otherwise explicitly communicated by SPPS.

8.4 The Parties shall use their best efforts to minimize the impact of any force majeure event.

9.1 Unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of SPPS, SPPS cannot be held liable for any form of damage resulting from the Promotion, including, but not limited to, damage caused by:
I. Any typographical errors or obvious mistakes;
II. Technical malfunctions, defects, or delays relating to participation in the Promotion;
III. The (interim) modification or termination of the Promotion;
IV. Failures by third parties, including postal or delivery companies and transportation companies;
V. Defects in a prize;
VI. Damage resulting from the use of a prize;
VII. The winner’s inability to make use of the prize.
9.2 SPPS does not provide any guarantee for a prize.
9.3 In the event the prize does not represent a monetary value but is a prize in kind, such as a product or gift voucher, the use of the prize is entirely at the winner’s own risk. A prize in kind may be provided by SPPS on behalf of a third party. SPPS assumes no responsibility for the adequate delivery or functionality of the product or service provided by a third party. It is the responsibility of the recipient to familiarize themselves with the regulations established by the third party or the manufacturer of the prize in kind. For questions, complaints, or disputes regarding the (execution of the) relevant prize, the recipient should contact the third party.

10.1 In the event of conflict between oral statements, commitments, promotional expressions on the part of SPPS and/or other similar expressions that should logically be equated therewith, and these terms and conditions, the provisions of these terms and conditions shall prevail.
10.2 If SPPS reasonably suspects that there is (identity) fraud, deception, or unlawful participation, or if in the opinion of SPPS the Participant acts in violation of the Promotion Terms and Conditions, causing damage to the Promotion or to SPPS’s reputation, SPPS reserves the right to immediately exclude the Participant from further participation, without any obligation to notify, refund, or compensate.
10.3 These General Promotion Terms and Conditions do not apply to (promotional) initiatives organized under the responsibility of advertisers, sponsors, or other external parties (including production companies).
10.4 In situations not provided for in these General Promotion Terms and Conditions, SPPS will make a decision taking into account the fair interests of the Participant(s).
10.5 Questions, comments, or complaints about a Promotion can be submitted using the contact details specified in the Additional Promotion Terms and Conditions. If no Additional Promotion Terms and Conditions have been established for a specific Promotion, or if contact details are not provided therein, questions, comments, or complaints can be submitted to SPPS, Customer Service Department, located at Eindhovenseweg-Zuid 57, 5683 PW, Best, or via
10.6 SPPS is entitled to unilaterally amend the provisions in these General Promotion Terms and Conditions and Additional Promotion Terms and Conditions that apply to participation. Such changes also apply to existing participations.
10.7 The changes will be communicated through the media channel through which the Participant participated, through the online communication channels where SPPS keeps the Participants informed, and/or through the channel described in the Additional Promotion Terms and Conditions.
10.8 Participants who do not agree with a change can terminate or dissolve their participation as of the date the change takes effect, to the extent that the change relates to their participation.
10.9 SPPS will announce the start, duration, and end date of the Promotion via the channel through which the Participant participates in the Promotion, or through other social media channels. The Participant is responsible for reading the duration and deadlines. By accepting these Promotion Terms and Conditions, the Participant indemnifies SPPS from any liability in case the Participant is excluded from the Promotion.
10.10 SPPS reserves the right to adjust the duration of the Promotion or to cancel the Promotion if circumstances require, and will communicate this in accordance with the provisions of these terms and conditions.
10.11 Dutch law applies to all disputes relating to participation in a Promotion or the provisions of the Promotion Terms and Conditions. The District Court of Eindhoven has exclusive jurisdiction to hear disputes arising from or relating to a Promotion and/or the Promotion Terms and Conditions.

10.12 Dutch law shall apply to all disputes related to participation in an Action or the provisions of the Action Terms and Conditions. The Court of Eindhoven shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear disputes arising from or connected to an Action and/or the Action Terms and Conditions.

10.13 SPPS reserves the right to introduce new promotions alongside ongoing promotions without altering the terms of the ongoing promotions. These new promotions will be announced through SPPS’s usual communication channels, including its website, social media, and email. Participants who wish to partake in the new promotions must review the applicable promotional terms and meet the requirements for participation. SPPS is entitled to establish additional terms and conditions for the new promotions, which shall apply in conjunction with the general promotional terms and conditions.